Thursday 19 August 2010


I am not sure where to start on this one.  I got the idea because I love to write my other blogs.  My  started lilfe as a blog for knitting and crafts but has ended up talking about everything that is going on in my life really. was born out of pure frustration at the incoming government.  I will not rant on about that here (I could start but I wont).  I will leave the ranting, informative approach to governmental decisions, fantasy and pure hilarity to that blog.

THIS BLOG ........ is going to be a means to escape from everyday life.  Pure fantasy.  Can I do it?  Well if the much miligned Katie Price can write a novel.... STOP...... oh sorry, she did not write the novel, someone else did and she put her name on it.  Call me niaive, but I did not know you could do that.  If I canned some baked beans and put a Heinz label on them..... would that be ok?  Well, anyhow, this will be ALL my work, for better or worse..... I hope you enjoy it......